Community Based Programs

Giving Back to Our Community

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Los Angeles Chapter has formed community partnerships and created programs which support the homeless in the areas of health, public policy, and economic empowerment.

We advocate for the homeless i.e. health care and housing at the local and state level. If you would like to donate to our community-based programs, please click here.

We are not our brother's keeper we are our brother and we are our sister. We must look past complexion and see Community

- Maya Angelou

Socks for The Elderly

Every year our organization distributes over 100 pair of socks at various hospitals, senior living facilities and donation centers. The socks serve to fulfill a simple yet forgotten need for the people in these facilities.

Project Clean Hands

Project Clean Hands provides a means of sanitation to the homeless while advocating for the necessary health facilities for the homeless who are unable to go to shelters or receive the benefits of clean facilities for health purposes after business hours

This project is based on the latest research on the effect of the change in demographics of homeless to a local neighborhood which cannot accommodate the personal needs and has the potential of health blight to the local community. Coalition members and friends provide funds for in kind donations of backpacks, sanitizers, and health kits.

Socks for Ederly

Christmas Holiday Community Tour

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Los Angeles Chapter celebrates the Christmas holiday spreading goodwill and holiday spirit in our community. Some of our service activities include Toys for Tots, visiting nursing homes, giving socks to shelters and the homeless outreach program. Whenever possible we join with our community partners to continue our mission in service.

Books for Shelters

Books are often donated to the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Los Angeles Chapter for distribution to shelters and nursing homes. This act of service serves to promote the importance of reading and education in our communities. Last year, representatives from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company have provided more than 300 books for Seniors and our Shelters program.